Welcome to Season 4 of How Now? Podcast, where we talk about HOW to live in the NOW. 

2024 is a year of Restoration and Rehabilitation.

This year, the How Now? Podcast will feature shows that will assist our listeners in preparing the "toolboxes" they need to deal with adversities that may affect them mentally, physically, and spiritually.

The show features guests from all walks of life who express how they are living in the NOW and the tools they use to C.O.P.E. (Create Our Peaceful Existence). 


"I believe that sharing our experiences are a vital part of how we COPE.  There is no hard and fast solution to how we deal with the adversities we face in life, but if we have the proper tools to address them, then we always have something to reach back to when we need it. It is important to create new and innovative ways for individuals to express themselves and their emotions in non-threatening ways.   How Now? strives to be a platform where we can promote learning, understanding, and growth, that will lead us to better versions of ourselves."          Kim


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*** Rewind Wednesday***

Never Stop Improving 


Previous Shows

October 16 - Never Stop Improving 

October 9 - The "Skinny" on Simple Fat Burn

October 2 - From Stress to Strength

September 25 - Be a Revolution: Your Journey to Self-Love

September 18 - Are You Ready for 2025?

August 21 - Zen Up Wellness: Your Steps Toward Transformation

August 14 - Rewind Wednesday - Putting the Joy Back into Parenting

August 7 - The Transition from Service to Civilian

Click here to watch our previous episodes!

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25 thoughts on “How Now? Podcast”

  1. It was truly a blessing and an honor to have been your guest! Mostly, I really appreciate your skill as a host, especially your ability to put me at ease and make the experience more like a conversation between two friends rather than an interview.
    I know that your How Now podcast is a regular feature on YouTube but imagine my shock and awe when I discovered myself on YouTube, all because of my appearance on your show!!! Of course, I was immediately overcome with imposter syndrome when I saw myself included in the company of world renown doctors, like Mark Hyman, and my instructor, Andrea Nakayama. But because of you, I think I can hold my own when discussing the topic of functional nutrition! Thank you for increasing my confidence, and more importantly for providing a platform to take the message forward!!

  2. I want to convey my deep admiration for Kim, an extraordinary soul. Recently, I had the honor of being a part of the “How Now, Podcast” and I was so impressed by her communication, organizational skills, attentiveness, and openness. Kim truly embodies professionalism, and the welcoming environment she fosters, along with her positive attitude and warmth, made the experience truly exceptional. I express my full endorsement for Kim; she is undeniably one of the most remarkable souls I’ve ever encountered.

  3. It was an absolute pleasure, privilege, and honor to be on the show with Kim. The space is absolutely safe, inspiring, and some what of a mini think tank. There’s no other podcast that I’ve been on that I felt really sad that it had to come to an end when it did. I look forward to more collaborations and opportunities to work along side Kim and her endeavors!

  4. Kim has lifted herself with wisdom from the whole and from within and what she found there is what we are able to witness: generosity incarnate. I am grateful for this connection in my life and with this podcast, you won’t ever need to miss out again. ♥

  5. This whole interview lives and breathes and all of those “nuggets” came because of your kindness, sincerity and love, Kim. It’s clear that together, as it should be, we have done a very fine job in bringing our communication to far higher levels than otherwise, left to ourselves, we would have been capable of. Which is the magic of enlightened conversation: Wherever there are two or more, united in mind and heart and purpose, there will always be a powerful, third presence, extending everything way beyond our imagination. By sincerely and actively listening, you make your guests, one of which in this case happened to be me, shine. Which is a rare talent and I thank you for it. And last but not least, I love the unapologetic differences of the color of our skins and individual and cultural backgrounds: Male, female, white, of color, older, younger and so on. It’s so important that we get away from the foolishness of simply ignoring them and pretending that we are all the same when clearly we are not, but CELEBRATE AND HONOR those God-given variations of the same theme. Because they complement each other and offer the potential of experiencing ourselves as part of this grand symphony of life and so much more alive. Much love, Harald

  6. It’s always a great honor and privilege to be asked to speak on any platform, and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to speak openly and candidly about helping women cultivate healthier relationships with men on the “How Now Podcast” with Kim who was indeed a wonderful and gracious host. We could’ve went on for hours, and that to me is the sign of an atmosphere that is filled with love, positivity and good energy, and we need more of it in this world. Thank you!

  7. Kim is an amazing host and speaker! It was such a pleasure to be a guest speaker on her show. She is extremely kind, welcoming, thoughtful, empathetic, and inspirational. I enjoyed every minute I was on her show. I look forward to coming back again soon! Keep up the amazing work that you are doing. It is helping so many people!

  8. I thoroughly enjoy this podcast! Kim’s warmth and concern is evident and palpable through her approach to interviewing. While listening I felt like I was sitting at a table with her in-person, sharing a cup of coffee, as she let me in on her conversation with her guests. The variety of guests and perspectives is informative and impactful!!

  9. Kim does an excellent job of facilitating interesting topics and leading open discussions about topics important in this country. She is a good interviewer and speaker. Definitely take a listen if you have not already.

  10. Kim is so engaging and positive. She instantly made me feel welcomed and comfortable during our podcast session. I love how she would recap my points and ask the right questions for me to better explain who I am and what I do. She engages through her own experiences with the topics we discussed and gave me the perfect timing to respond and engage. Kim is very resourceful, professional and encouraging. Thank you Kim for this wonderful opportunity.

  11. Kim is an absolute jewel! She brings so much positivity and clarity to any subject matter. I thoroughly enjoy her podcast and so grateful that she uses her platform to help others. Keep up the great work! I look forward to hearing more from you in the future!

  12. I AM so proud to call Kim a friend! She and her podcast is full of color and beauty! I’ve been on her show twice and each time the dialog was fresh, organic, and enlightening! Kim brings a certain sparkle and light to her work. Tune in and support! You won’t be disappointed that you did! In fact you’d be blessed for it! Asè O!

  13. Kim is a beacon of light. I appreciate that she has created a platform for experts in their fields to impart knowledge and to edify and uplift the community. Kim truly has a heart for the people and it shows!

  14. What a joy and an honour to meet Kim and share on her podcast. What a vivacious, dynamic, caring, lovely hostess. Thank you for the opportunity to share a bit about my webinar and course and Journal, Broken to Beautiful–Transformed by God’s Power. I’m so thankful Kim is seeking truth as she looks into how to live in freedom in the now. What a blessing you were inspired to have this podcast to encourage, inspire, and bless others. I’m sure many have been blessed by your messages. I’m so thankful we are forever sisters. Love, Rena Groot xo

  15. If you haven’t tuned in, you’re missing out! The How Now Podcast is a powerful, thought provoking, fresh platform that will feed your entire soul! Kim’s energy and calm spirit definitely shine through. The guests have been phenomenal as well! As we get into this new year, I m looking forward to more! Spread the news! Let’s all support this platform ! Great job Kim!

  16. Host of the How Now Podcast @ministerkimmartin, rockin ELAMENTS Design stone necklace, not only delivers a smile that will fill your spirit reassuring certainty, she also delivers content which is rich in Mind Provoking Memes, Sayings and Quotations. Teaching “How to Live in the Now” is what this Energizing Queen is all about. Tune in. Tap in. Like, Love and Follow TODAY. Support Black Women who Uplift.

  17. Thank you much Kim Martin-Raymond! You gave me my first time-first guest appearance on your Podcast Show. The one and the only How Now? Podcast. I am greatly appreciative! Most of all, you made it do what it do! As the host, you were most helpful and hospitable! I speak much success over the How Now Podcast Show. Till then!

  18. I just wanted to let you know I’m enjoying your podcasts. Just finished No Longer A Prisoner. It was so good, well they all are😉. Loved her business name & yes I was like what in the SAT word…recividism? I’m all fancy now that I know what it is & the concept behind Caroline’s mission. Please keep ’em coming. Ok that is all.❤

  19. I enjoy the subject content and the way it is delivered. You have an approachable and sincere presentation. It is almost like being in your presence and speaking one on one. There is no pretentiousness or illusion of superiority. It’s like talking to an old friend who graciously shares her wisdom and allow you share your experiences and means you used to overcome or better understand the obstacles. I look forward to your next presentation.

  20. Purposefulness in construction and execution of the ‘How Now?’ Podcast is apparent; this while still providing organic exchanges. From the informative and engaging host and guests discussing highly relevant and diverse topics during COVID-19, listeners increase awareness and are empowered. From the smoothness of Kim’s voice and thoroughness of questions and responses ‘How Now?’ podcasts embody, listeners leave confident of having used time wisely. Highly helpful experiences and practical tools conveyed support listeners coming back for more!

  21. Let your light shine Kim! The energy through this project screams love and light, two qualities that we can’t get enough of in these times. Thank you for caring and answering the call to be that light in a time where many struggle to see it. Looking forward to what you offer us in the “How Now”!

  22. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed these podcasts. They are both informative and inspirational. During these challenging times I find Kim’s message to be timely and insightful. Kudos to Kim for providing such an awesome platform to help get us through these tough times.

  23. So far I’ve seen two podcasts and generally I’m protective of what I allow into my mental space. But this channel has been so uplifting, encouraging and inclusive I cant help but feel a release of energy. A welcoming and freeing conversation amidst confidants. I’m even grateful to the guest speaker, who I decided to follow and pursue my own shadow work. I encourage the creator to continue on this path so that others may be guided into healing, growth and love of self. Shine yo Light Kim!!

  24. Kim’s work is thoughtful, insightful, spiritual, and inspirational. She has a story to tell; a message to send to the masses and all who receive it will be blessed. I am excited to support her through any endeavors she decides to pursue. May she continue to promote growth in others as well as herself. Fantastic job Kim!

  25. Kim is a dynamic speaker and host that always provides informative and engaging information. I am amazed by her passion and drive to consistently provide a platform for others to improve themselves. Keep up the great work!!!!!

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